Fecha: 25 de mar. 2005
Sección: Otras imágenes
Información publicada por: A.M.Canto
Mostrado 5.555 veces.

Teutoburgo - La batalla según Werner Peiner (1940)

"Die Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald" ("La batalla del bosque de Teutoburgo").

Uno de los pintores del "arte totalitario" en la Alemania nacional-socialista fue Werner Peiner (1897–1981). Éste es uno de los cinco enormes tapices que en 1945 había concluído de una serie de ocho que decorarían la nueva Cancillería del Reich.

"Paintings of the great battles in German history glorified the country's military tradition and justified the continuing struggle. Werner Peiner had become one of the most prolific battle painters of the National Socialist regime. In 1937-44 he created the panels for his series of large tapestries, four devoted to the subject of the falcon hunt, ten to the virtues of women, five to the five continents, and the rest to the major German battles throughout history. By 1945 only five tapestries were finished. They were huge works, along Gothic and Renaissance models, commissioned by Göring and Hitler for the new Reich Chancellery which Speer had designed. They were to be the building's most significant and impressive decorations, launching a monumental modern art form. These historical subjects gave the German Reich a historical context". (Curso de "Arte Totalitario", Prof. Werckmeister)

"In considering Werner Peiner's tapestries, it must be mentioned that he has made a major contribution to the revival of this old art form. His significance in landscape and in symbolic forms must not be forgotten, particularly in regards to Peiner's work in the public buildings of the National Socialist state, above all the 8 tapestries in the Reich Chancellery that depict the important battles of the German people."

Nota.- Se trata de un tapiz, y la foto no es muy buena, pero no he encontrado otra mejor, he intentado arreglarla un poco con más resolución.

© http://faculty-web.at.northwestern.edu/art-history/werckmeister/May_6_1999/

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