Realizada por: Gaditano
Al Druida: A todos los Druidas
Formulada el jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2004
Número de respuestas: 2
Categoría: Temas Históricos y Artísticos


Quisiera saber algo sobre los pueblos celtas de Asia Menor, su historia, costumbres, si queda algo en la moderna Turquia de las tradiciones, toponimia, etc.. de estos pueblos o fueron totalmente barridos del mapa.


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  1. #1 giorgiodieffe viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2004 a las 00:04

    Algunas noticias

    280 BC Celts arrive to the Balkans and Asia Minor

    The last wave of Celtic migration led their hordes to the Balkan peninsula. Along the Danube enormous masses of warriors and settlers crossed Illyria, Thracia and appeared in Macedonia. All Macedonian forces were gathered and sent against the Celts, but were defeated, and the country was pillaged. Soon after that, in 279 Celts went further to Greece, where they destoryed several cities, for a short period even captured Sparta, but then were defeated near Delphi and retreated from the country.

    After another minor defeat from Antioch I, the king of the Seleucid Kingdom, the Celts decided to cross the Bosphor and to go to Asia Minor, where they in 278 founded their kingdom named Galatia. This region, long before the center of the Phrygian kingdom, became a new homeland of the Celts. By that time they still lived in tribes, and ancient authors gave us names of the three main tribes: Tolistoages, Tectosages, Trokmos, which settled here in Asia.

    The circumstances in which Galatia had to survive were not easy: situated just between the Seleucid power and Pergam, the strong state north to Galatia, the Celtic district did not have any sea shores and that is why no possibilities of developing sea trade. In the 2nd century BC Galatia became the protectorate of the Pontic kingdom, and in the next century it was conquered by Rome. Celts in Galatia spoke a language similar to Gaulish, but practically no inscRIPtions were left so we cannot be sure about their language. However, they left no trace in Asia.

  2. #2 giorgiodieffe viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2004 a las 00:35

    Un otro enlace:

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