Autor: Lykonius
miércoles, 02 de mayo de 2007
Sección: Denuncias
Información publicada por: Lykonius
Mostrado 17.994 veces.

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Iruña - Veleia 5

Este verano actuará un equipo internacional.

Este verano actuará un equipo internacional

Desgraciadamente no estará constituido por profesionales como sería de esperar sino por simples y entusiastas voluntariosos.

Resumen sobre esta intervención arqueológica en Iruña-Veleia, visto en:

y publicado por la Viceconsejería de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes


Oppidum de Iruña-Veleia

Lugar: Iruña de Oca (Álava)
Modalidad: Arqueología.
Objetivo: Intervención arqueológica en Iruña-Veleia, ciudad de época romana
Fechas: 17-30 de julio // 1-14 de agosto
Edad: 20-26 años
Plazas: 20 (6 para jóvenes del estado español y 14 para extranjeros/as)
Tipo: Internacional
Idioma: Inglés. (Es obligatorio saber hablar bien en inglés.)
Cuota: 72 €


Los recientes hallazgos de inscripciones procedentes de diferentes ámbitos domésticos de esta ciudad han despertado un creciente interés, trascendiendo a la comunidad científica, como lo ha reflejado la gran cobertura por parte de los medios de comunicación. Ciertamente los descubrimientos son revolucionarios, aportando novedades tanto el ámbito de la vida cotidiana, como de los idiomas o las creencias en la Antigüedad alavesa.


intervenciones en el domus del mosaico de rosetones y en la puerta principal de la muralla


El equipo de animación preparará una serie de actividades de cara a fomentar el conocimiento [?????] entre las personas participantes en el campo y un acercamiento a la cultura y costumbres del País Vasco (actividades deportivas, juegos, excursiones, visitas culturales…). El equipo tendrá en cuenta las propuestas de las personas voluntarias.
Estas actividades se realizarán por las tardes y los fines de semana, con la participación de todos las personas del grupo del campo de trabajo. Además, algunas de las tardes se podrán realizar actividades formativas y didácticas a
cargo del equipo de investigación del yacimiento (se propone una charla-seminario sobre la entidad de la ciudad de Iruña-Veleia, contextualizándola en el conocimiento de la etapa romana en el País Vasco), [...]

saco de dormir
ropa y guantes de trabajo
gorra o sombrero para el sol
prendas de abrigo y para la lluvia
calzado de monte y deportivo
traje de baño


Documentación que cada partipante debe llevar al campo:
- D.N.I., o tarjeta de extranjero/a o pasaporte.
- Tarjeta individual sanitaria

No hay imágenes relacionadas.


Tijera Pulsa este icono si opinas que la información está fuera de lugar, no tiene rigor o es de nulo interés.
Tu único clic no la borarrá, pero contribuirá a que la sabiduría del grupo pueda funcionar correctamente.

  1. #1 Lykonius 02 de mayo de 2007

    el foro número 3 estaba a punto de colapsar...

  2. #2 AsierJ 05 de mayo de 2007

    Si muy equivocado no estoy, al menos en 2006 y 2005 ya hubo campos de trabajo en la zona. Tengo entendido que, más allá del típico jarrón de inspiración nativa o esqueletos de neonatos, no produjeron grandes resultados.

    La verdad es que no entiendo el sentido de esta discusión.

  3. #3 Sotero21 05 de mayo de 2007

    Pues no AsierJ, según noticia de nuestro inefable Diario de Noticias de Álava de 25 de agosto de 2005, que creo que hasta ahora no se había dado a conocer en estas páginas Veleienses, el campo de trabajo de 2005 sacó a la luz el famoso primer conjunto epigráfico que, según la noticia "está llamado a ser uno de los principales repertorios de epigrafía doméstica peninsular, tanto por el volumen de las inscripciones halladas como por su calidad y variedad". Dichas inscripciones aluden a nombres y relaciones familiares, amistad y amor, mitología, religión y festividades, así como juegos y ejercicios escolares." O sea que ya en agosto de 2005 se dio la noticia, que no tuvo repercusión hasta junio de 2006, en que se dio la famosa conferencia de prensa y apareció el egipcio y el Calvario en el discurso. Luego hablan de filtraciones.


    También el diario Deaia recogió el 24 de julio de 2005 la primera noticia sobre los hallazgos, a raiz de una información sobre los campos de trabajo. En este recorte de prensa E. Gil parece dejar entrever que también existen palabras en euskera, pues en una entrevista aneja dice: "Estos autóctonos recibieron influencia de diversas culturas, como la céltica, ibérica y que duda cabe la vascónica. El euskera fue capaz de sobrevivir aquí al impacto de todas las lenguas indoeuropeas - recordó- y después al latín".

    Lo que pasa es que en 2005 no le hicimos nadie ni puto caso a la noticia.

    Creo, de todas maneras, que debiéramos de seguir la disciplina del orden impuesto de páginas y continuar en la tercera (Iruña-Veleia 3).

    Un saludo

  4. #4 Lykonius 06 de mayo de 2007

    sotero21, estas diciendo que coincidió el hallazgo de la epigrafía vasca con la actuación de un equipo de voluntariosos en el 2005, y que por lo tanto, de igual forma que se puede apuntar fulanito de tal, pudo trabajar y acceder en la ciudad un velei-doso euskaldun ?? o un amigo de las bromas ??

  5. #5 gyps 06 de mayo de 2007

    Cmo podéis comprender, esta información resulta del más grande interés, y está en íntima conexión con la línea de debate que llamo "los personajes de la historia" en el foro de Veleia-3.
    Yo unía los hallazgos del 2005 con el informe del tribunal de Cuentas.
    Esta información añade el contexto de los camapamentos de verano arqueológicos, donde entran gente ajena al equipo.
    Pero sinceramente tratar esto aquí nos puede llevar a una gran dispersión.

  6. #6 Sotero21 06 de mayo de 2007


    no he dicho nada de eso, me remito a la información periodística. Que cada cual lo interprete como le parezca. Lo que parece claro es que ya en 2005 varias decenas de personas conocían los hallazgos. Que se conjuren unos pocos para mantener silencio es posible. Que se comprometan decenas de jóvenes a mantener silencio es bastante más dificil, máxime si, como se sabe, hasta los componentes del equipo británico que vino a los Ludi Veleienses habían visto cosas que nosotros tenemos veladas (ya dicho en alguna de mis intervenciones hace meses). Luego que no nos hablen de filtraciones cuando eso parece el camarote de los hermanos Marx.

    Seguiré en el foro número 3 para no desmadrar, ni dispersar la información.

  7. #7 Lykonius 07 de mayo de 2007

    Pues como fuese realmente el tema producto de un estudiante bromista hará tiempo que debería haber muerto por apertura extrema de caja torácica...

  8. #8 deobriga 10 de mayo de 2007

    Harian bien en bajarse 7 millas y media y dirigirse a la Puebla de Arganzón; a lo mejor a ras de rio descubren la verdadera Beleia. Porque donde estan es un triste campamento auxiliar, igual que el otro de Arce Miraperez que se encuentra exactamente a la misma distancia de la Puebla, con otros dos campamentos a la izquierda Castillo Caicedo y a la derecha el Castillo de Treviño. Y entre dos entradas Armiñon-Estavillo y Tuyo-Torre Moruno. Totalmente inexpuganable por tierra.

  9. #9 Lykonius 05 de jul. 2007

    El Iruña-Veleia IV está a puntito de petar... y si incluía esto...:

    In October 2002, the competitive world of biblical archaeology was
    rocked by the discovery of the James Ossuary, a burial box said to have
    contained the remains of Jesus's brother. But doubts about its
    authenticity have led to an unholy spat, which finally goes to court
    next week in Jerusalem. DAVID ROWAN reports from Israel

    small limestone vessel is either the first physical evidence that Jesus
    of Nazareth existed, or the most elaborate fraud perpetrated in modern
    biblical archaeology. Next week, a Jerusalem court will begin to
    consider how a 20 x 11 in burial box came to bear the sensational
    inscription 'James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus' - not only proof,
    its owner claims, that Jesus lived, but a definitive answer to the
    theological debate as to whether Mary gave him a brother. But while the
    owner, a 53-year-old Tel Aviv antiquities collector named Oded Golan,
    continues to insist furiously that 'the whole inscription is
    authentic', Israel's state-controlled antiquities body is this week
    finalising a rather more damning interpretation. After a two-year
    investigation, which drew in more than 100 witnesses, it accuses Golan
    of faking the inscription as head of a forgery ring that has deceived
    the world's collectors and museums for the past two decades.
    The ring's
    legacy, the prosecution claims, is one of the greatest ever treasure
    troves of fraudulent biblical artifacts, which has tarnished
    archaeological science, given false hope to the faithful, and belatedly
    raised questions about the collections of some of the world's leading
    museums, including the British Museum.

    The story begins on
    October 21, 2002, when Hershel Shanks, publisher of the glossy and
    often polemical Biblical Archaeology Review, held a dramatic press
    conference in Washington DC. A 2,000-year-old bone box, or ossuary, had
    come to light, Shanks announced, which had implications 'not just for
    scholarship, but for the world's understanding of the Bible'.

    Lemaire, a leading specialist in Semitic inscriptions at the Sorbonne
    in Paris, had spotted it by chance a few months earlier, while visiting
    an Israeli collector's home in Tel Aviv. On examining the Aramaic
    engraving on the box - 'Yaakov bar Yoseph, Achui de Yeshua', or 'Yaakov
    son of Joseph, brother of Yeshua' - Lemaire could barely contain his
    excitement. 'It seems very probable that this is the ossuary of the
    James in the New Testament,' he concluded in the Biblical Archaeology
    Review. 'If so, this would mean that we have here the first epigraphic
    mention - from about 63AD - of Jesus of Nazareth.'

    The owner's
    identity remained secret at this stage. Shanks disclosed only that the
    man had paid an Arab a few hundred dollars for the ossuary some years
    earlier, after it had been looted from a Jerusalem cave, but had failed
    to appreciate its significance. Shanks and Lemaire had shown the
    inscription to Ada Yardeni, a leading Israeli epigrapher, who had
    pronounced it authentic and dated the script to the first century AD.
    Shanks also approached the Geological Survey of Israel to examine the
    box 'scientifically'. Its laboratories studied the stone, the dirt
    clinging to its sides, and more importantly the patina (the surface
    residue that had built up over the centuries). The limestone, the
    scientists declared, was typical of that quarried in biblical
    Jerusalem. There was no evidence that modern tools had been applied,
    nor, indeed, anything 'that might detract from the authenticity' of the
    inscription and the patina.

    There remained a debate as to
    whether James - the first Bishop of Jerusalem - was the literal brother
    of Jesus, and a tiny chance that the Jesus, James and Joseph in
    question were just ordinary Jerusalemites with popular contemporary
    names. Yet the implications of Shanks's announcement were unambiguous
    enough to make headlines across the world. As Shanks, now 75, explained
    breathlessly in a subsequent book, The Brother of Jesus, 'the evidence
    for the inscription's authenticity is compelling ... [This] may be the
    most astonishing find in the history of archaeology.'

    The Royal
    Ontario Museum in Toronto was first to display the artifact, in
    November 2002. Just hours before it was due to be unveiled to the
    media, the museum admitted that the ossuary had been seriously damaged
    in transit, creating cracks that would require its conservators'
    closest attention. Yet the drama was only just beginning. Even as the
    James Ossuary, as it was being called, was undergoing repair, troubling
    questions began to be raised about its authenticity. A crack through
    the lettering, it was whispered, had caused museum staff to query the
    age of some of the characters. A respected historian declared the
    inscription 'too perfect, too pat'. Epigraphers, too, were debating why
    the first part, 'James son of Joseph', was written in a straighter,
    more formal script than the second part, which they suggested could
    have been added later.
    There also remained doubts about the ossuary's
    provenance. Golan, by now revealed as the owner, said he 'could not
    remember' who had sold it to him. He was certain, however, that it had
    been well before 1978, when an Israeli law declared all subsequent
    acquisitions to be state property.

    The Israel Antiquities
    Authority (IAA) decided to launch its own inquiries, calling in
    epigraphers, geoarchaeologists and other experts to examine the burial
    box independently. But almost immediately, the IAA found itself having
    to solve another biblical mystery. An inscribed black sandstone tablet,
    apparently 3,000 years old, had been anonymously offered to Israel's
    National Museum at a price reportedly over $4 million.
    inscription, too, purported to be important enough to rewrite the
    history books. The IAA asked its investigators, who included Yuval
    Goren, head of the archaeology department at Tel Aviv University, and
    Avner Ayalon, from the Geological Survey of Israel, for their views on
    this second extraordinary find.

    What made the tablet special was
    an inscription in ancient Hebrew with instructions from Joash, King of
    Judah in the 9th century BC, for maintaining King Solomon's Temple. If
    authentic, the Joash Inscription, as it became known, would be
    unprecedented physical evidence of the Temple's existence - 'an
    archaeological sensation',
    the Geological Survey of Israel concluded
    after an earlier brief examination, which 'effectively vindicates
    Jewish claims to the Temple Mount'.
    Except that it soon emerged that
    the mysterious middleman selling the tablet was already known to the
    authorities. His name was Oded Golan.

    In June 2003, the IAA's
    teams of archaeologists, linguists, historians, palaeographers and
    epigraphers delivered their unambiguous verdict. Both the Joash
    Inscription and the James Ossuary were recent forgeries. They concluded
    that freshly carved letters had been covered with an imitation patina
    made from modern tap water and ground chalk, mixed with ancient
    charcoal to confound carbon-dating tests.
    The forger or forgers had
    been clever: the Joash Inscription contained microscopic globules of
    gold, a persuasive link to the burning gold walls of Solomon's Temple.
    But there had been some crucial slips. Yuval Goren discovered that the
    patina on the front - but not the back - of the Joash stone contained
    tiny marine fossils. This led him to conclude that the patina on this
    side of the stone had been added later - and certainly could not have
    formed naturally in Jerusalem, miles from the sea. Tests using an
    electron microscope also identified fluorine on the surface - raising
    the possibility that the patina had been cooked up using municipally
    fluoridated tap water.

    A month later, the police raided Golan's
    Tel Aviv flat and found the James Ossuary - which he had previously
    insured for $1 million - sitting on a toilet seat on the roof. (Golan
    says the roof was 'safer' than his apartment, and that once his address
    had been leaked to the press, 'I was afraid that it might be stolen'.)

    Ganor, head of the IAA's theft unit, claimed that investigators had
    also found various other forgeries in various stages of completion,
    together with a 'factory' equipped to create them
    (materials used for
    restoration work, according to Golan). Among their haul, they said,
    were bags of semi-finished ancient royal seals, a blank stone with the
    same dimensions as the Joash tablet, a newly engraved ossuary, and
    moulds that could be used to reproduce bronze statues.

    At the
    end of last December, Golan and four other men were charged on 18
    counts linked to the 18-month investigation. According to the
    indictment, the alleged forgeries - which the men deny - 'might have
    misled millions of Christians all over the world, as well as scholars
    of history and archaeology worldwide'.
    The IAA also warned collectors
    and museums in and outside Israel that their precious relics may not be
    what they seem. 'We discovered only the tip of the iceberg,' its
    director, Shuka Dorfman, said. But it wasn't simply the fact that the
    alleged forgeries had raked in 'millions of dollars' that bothered him.
    It was also that the accused 'were trying to change history'.


    a navy Eeyore sweatshirt and loose-fitting jeans, Oded Golan sits at
    his elderly parents' living-room table in northern Tel Aviv, wearily
    denouncing the case against him as 'Kafkaesque'. As his mother brings
    in iced lemonade, Golan, his jet-black hair set off by a sharp,
    straight nose, unflinchingly recounts the series of 'intentional
    manipulations' and 'blatant lies' which he says the IAA has laid
    against him. Its evidence, he says with a shrug, has less merit than
    the Western case against Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

    a couple of days ago, it seemed unlikely that this meeting would take
    place. Golan, an unmarried serial entrepreneur, has been in jail for
    the past month, accused of unlawfully contacting a witness. He has been
    freed only after the Supreme Court's intervention, on the strict
    condition that he does not leave his parents' apartment. 'They are,' he
    complains, 'trying to make it impossible for me to defend myself.'

    Golan tells it, he is simply a devoted antiquities collector caught up
    in the IAA's undeclared war against the legitimate trade. 'I've
    collected for 44 years, starting at the age of nine, and over time I've
    purchased more than 3,000 pieces,' he says with calm self-assurance. By
    his own estimate, Golan - a property developer, software entrepreneur
    and former airline agent - owns 'probably the largest private
    collection of biblical archaeology in the world', much of it displayed
    on his parents' shelves and in his own apartment. 'The IAA and the
    police claim that Oded Golan sold hundreds of forgeries and antiquities
    for dozens of years for millions of dollars,' he says, slipping
    detachedly into the third person. 'But in all this time, I've sold or
    exchanged antiquities on less than 10 occasions. That tells you the
    whole story in one sentence.'

    The charge sheet, which ranges
    from forgery to suborning others to commit perjury, lists Golan in
    various combinations with his co-defendants: Robert Deutsch, who owns
    three antiquities shops in Tel Aviv and Jaffa; Shlomo Cohen, who used
    to run a Jerusalem antiques shop; Rafi Brown, a former conservator at
    the Israel Museum; and Faiz El Amlah, a West Bank Palestinian. The 18
    charges cover the James Ossuary and the Joash Inscription, as well as
    various inscribed pottery shards, clay seals, a jug, a bowl and a
    decorative lamp.

    According to the indictment, the alleged
    forgery ring has claimed some astonishingly high-profile victims over
    the years. In 1988, the Israel Museum, the country's pre-eminent
    custodian of Holy Land art and archaeology, put on display a revered
    inscribed pomegranate carved from a hippo's tooth, bearing the words
    'Holy to the priests, Temple of [Yahwe]h'.
    André Lemaire, the French
    expert on ancient lettering, discovered the carving in a Jerusalem
    antiquities shop, and, as with the ossuary, unhesitatingly testified to
    its importance - leading the museum, until recently, to link it beyond
    doubt to the First Jewish Temple. So keen, indeed, was the museum to
    acquire such a precious relic that it paid $550,000 to an anonymous
    collector in a transaction involving numbered Swiss bank deposit boxes.
    To its great embarrassment, a few days before charges were brought
    against Golan and his alleged associates, the museum announced that,
    following tests by Yuval Goren, this inscription too was a modern

    'It was very hard for the investigating committee to
    say the pomegranate was a fake,' recalls Uzi Dahari, the IAA's deputy
    director, who commissioned Goren's forensic tests. 'This was the first
    evidence from the Temple in Jerusalem. For religious people on the
    committee, it broke their hearts to say it was a forgery. The Joash
    Inscription too, it's something unique for the Jewish people. But what
    can we do? Truth is above everything.'

    The IAA, whose main
    business is to license dealers and regulate excavations, has pursued
    Golan with utter determination. In bringing the charges, jointly with
    the police, the authority has built up 10,000 pages of written evidence
    as well as hours of video and audio interviews, and the court case is
    expected to last months - if not a year.

    Yet on paper, the
    indictments appear oddly incomplete. If Golan is at the head of a
    'ring', in none of the 18 charges is he linked with more than one other
    defendant. He alone stands accused over the ossuary, the Joash tablet,
    the bowl and the lamp; and although Robert Deutsch is jointly charged
    with him over some pottery shards, a decanter and some clay seals,
    Deutsch by himself has to answer charges over three further pottery
    pieces. And although the pomegranate is included as evidence of a
    'ring', none of the defendants is charged in connection with it.

    apparent omissions may stem from the difficulty of proof: forgers,
    after all, would hardly leave a trail of receipts, and in the world of
    unprovenanced antiquities, it is common practice for buyers not to know
    a seller's name. But the gaps have given the defendants an opportunity
    to cast doubt on the entire case. Golan promises to sue Dahari for
    damaging his name - once, of course, he has cleared himself. Deutsch,
    for his part, says he will sue the IAA 'for at least $20 million'. 'I
    haven't seen Golan in eight years,' Deutsch insists in his shop, on a
    winding path in old Jaffa. 'Now I have clients asking me if the pieces
    they bought from me are genuine, people who owe me money not wanting to
    pay me, friends not talking to me. They really achieved what they
    wanted with that monstrous fabrication - to destroy my name.'

    in particular, seems to enjoy parrying each IAA accusation with a
    confidently asserted put-down. How could he afford to build his vast
    collection? He is independently wealthy, he says, through his family's
    '50 or 60 properties'. How does he account for the 124 witnesses the
    prosecution has to call on? 'Lawyers tell me that when you have a case,
    you need two or three witnesses,' Golan says. 'When you don't have
    anything, you need hundreds.' As for the 'ring', no professional
    fraudsters would produce such a wide range of items, he insists. 'If
    you're a specialist in making sculptures, you'll make sculptures. If
    you make inscriptions on pottery shards, you'll see dozens of those on
    the market.

    'You need palaeographers. You need the best expert
    in the world to write the Joash Inscription in ancient Hebrew. Then you
    need the best expert in Egyptian hieroglyphics to make the bowl. Where
    are the epigraphers? Where are the chemists? It's Oded Golan, Oded
    Golan. He's Superman!'

    And the ossuary, now widely discredited?
    'I'm still sure now, as close to 100 per cent as possible, that the
    whole inscription is authentic,' Golan says without breaking eye
    contact. 'So Yuval Goren finds the patina is not in its natural
    condition. That's because the inscription has been cleaned. All the
    world's important pieces have been cleaned. Just examine the Mona Lisa
    and you'll find varnish that didn't exist 500 years ago.'


    to the wall in Yuval Goren's laboratory at Tel Aviv University is a
    cutting from a recent edition of Nature magazine. 'Indiana Goren,' it
    is headlined. 'At 48 years old, intense and good-looking, Goren could
    easily be the model for the hero of an archaeological detective series

    After two years on the case, Goren says he now regrets
    being thrust into the role of fraud-buster. He had not realised quite
    how venomous the arcane world of archaeological scholarship could be:
    his own reputation has repeatedly been smeared by those who refuse to
    accept that the ossuary is fake, with suggestions that he is out of his
    depth, or the lure of "fame" has tarnished his judgment.

    Shanks, who still refuses to recant the validation he initially lent to
    the ossuary ('I don't know if it's a forgery or not,' he says curtly.
    'I'm just a publisher, not a scholar'), accuses Goren of doing 'a very
    bad job' in rejecting the inscription. 'He doesn't know anything about
    palaeography, and nobody has shown that anything's wrong
    palaeographically,' Shanks says dismissively. 'At best, you have a
    conflict of experts.' The IAA's Dahari, in turn, has publicly attacked
    Shanks as 'totally crazy' and his assertions as 'pathetic'.

    a case focusing on biblical provenance, there has been an unholy level
    of bickering. One of Robert Deutsch's biggest customers was the London
    multi-millionaire Shlomo Moussaieff, to whom Deutsch dedicated a book
    last year on his 80th birthday. Moussaieff is mentioned in nine of the
    charges as a target of the alleged fraudsters, and is said to have paid
    $200,000 for an inscribed pottery shard, and to have written a $1
    million cheque for a royal seal. Deutsch, in his shop, now attacks his
    former client in terms that would make a libel judge blanche.
    Moussaieff did not respond to requests for comments.

    fighting has also extended to those not directly linked to the case.
    And if institutions besides the Israel Museum have displayed
    biblical-era forgeries, they are not admitting it. The Royal Ontario
    Museum claims to have 'no new information pertaining to the James
    Ossuary that would lead us to conclude that it is not authentic'. The
    British Museum, too, says it knows nothing about any alleged fakes in
    its displays.

    But on strictly scientific grounds, Yuval Goren
    claims that there is no question that the James Ossuary is a fake -
    'and not a very sophisticated one at that'. Of almost 100 other items
    he examined in this case, 'only 10 to 20', he says, proved to be
    genuine. Sitting in his basement laboratory, Goren explains that he now
    understands a little more about the faker's mindset. 'The motive is not
    necessarily financial,'
    he reflects. 'The Piltdown fraud wasn't for
    money, nor were those of Shinichi Fujimura in Japan, who created his
    own sites and excavated them. No, it's often fame or the mental
    challenge. They're well-informed autodidacts who feel marginalised by
    the academy. So they're flattered when people like us show interest.
    I'm sure the forger behind this was very happy to outsmart some of
    these distinguished professors.'

    With a certain mischievous
    humour, Goren offers to share with me the secrets of faking a priceless
    ancient inscription. First, he says, always carve your letters using an
    iron tool, which will leave no traces of modern nickel or cadmium.
    Next, 'age' the inscription using an airbrush filled with quartz
    powder, before creating its 'ancient' patina by grinding stone into a
    watery paste. Burn tiny amounts of pure gold on to the surface, plus a
    bit of iron-age charcoal, and then bake your stone at 300C. Finally,
    bring in a few 'innocent scientists' to confirm its authenticity before
    surreptitiously sneaking it on to the market.

    (The Daily Telegraph Magazine, May 14 2005)

    ha hecho pensar: podría darse por ejemplo un arquólogo-pirata o
    grupo-pirata que anunciase el descubrimiento arquológico del siglo,
    enseñarlo, y por detrás, haciéndose pasar por un listillo, podría haber
    uno vendiendo piezas del sensacional descubrimiento a los nuevos ricos
    snobs que necesitan demostrar su estatus con esa clase de
    exibiciones... ay mi pérfida imaginación...

    por cierto... eso de
    falsificar cociendo la inscripción y las pátinas falsas a 300 grados...
    qué pasó en aquella "cámara sellada en el tiempo" ????

    es para descojonarse o no ?

  10. #10 Lykonius 06 de jul. 2007

    tradushion... de lo escrito en negrita, claro

    En octubre del 2002 el mundo competitivo de la arqueología bíblica fué
    revolucionado con el sensacional descubrimiento del osário de Jacob,
    una caja funerária de la que se dijo contubo los restos del hermano de
    Jesús. Pero las dudas sobre su autenticidad llevaron hacia una pelea
    poco espiritual la cual finalmente llega al tribunal la semana que
    viene en Jerusalen.

    "Jacob, hijo de José, hermano de Jesús"

    acusa a Golan de falsificar la inscripción como cabeza de un grupo
    de falsificadores que ha engañado coleccionistas y museos en las
    últimas dos décadas. El legado  del grupo, acusa el fiscal, es la
    de la falsificación de los mayores hallazgos arqueológicos bíblicos,
    desprestigiando así el mundo de la arqueología y dando falsas
    esperanzas a los creyentes, y también se pregunta veladamente sobre el
    proceder de algunos de los más prestigiosos museos del mundo,
    incluyendo el British Museum.

    Shanks acudió al grupo de Investigasciones Geológicas de Israel para
    analizar la caja científicamente. Los laboratiorios estudiaron la
    piedra, la suciedad incrustada en sus lados, y lo que más, la pátina
    (los resíduos exteriores creados por el tiempo). La piedra, declaró el
    laboratorio, era típica de la zona de Jerusalen. No se halló
    interferéncias de herramientas modernas, ni realmente nada "que pueda
    ensombrecer su autenticidad" de la inscripción y de la pátina.

    Un respetado historiador declaró que la inscripción era "demasiado
    perfecta, muy exacta". Los epigrafistas, también, debatieron por qué la
    primera parte "Jacob hijo de José" estaba escrita de una forma recta y
    más formal que la segunda parte, que según ellos pudo ser añadida

    Una lápida inscrita aparéntemente hacia 3000 años, fué ofrecida
    anónimamente al Museo Nacional de Israel al precio de 4 millones de

    escrita en hebráico antiguo con instrucciones del rey Joash, que
    governó Judá en el siglo IX aC para mantener el Templo del Rey Salomón.
    Si fuese auténtica, la Inscripción de Joash, tal como se acabó
    conociendo, se hubiera convertido en la prueba física capital sobre la
    existéncia del Templo - "un éxito arqueológico"

    ... "que reivindicaba con efectividad las reclamas judías sobre el Monte del Templo"

    una imitación de pátina hecha con agua corriente y cálcio, mezclada con carbón antiguo para confundir los análisis de carbono.

    identificó una preséncia de fluorina en la superfície -
    posibilitando la creéncia que la pátina fué cocida usando agua
    municipal fluorizada.

    otras más falsificaciones en diferentes estados de acabado, junto a un "laboratório" equipado para crearlas

    "podría haber confundido a millones de cristianos en todo el mundo,
    como a académicos de la história y de la arqueología por todo el mundo"

    Pero no era sólamente el hecho de que las falsificaciones recabaron
    millones de dólares los que más le preocupó. Fué más el hecho que los
    acusados "intentaron cambiar la história"

    Museo de Israel .....  un diente de hipopótamo con la inscripción "Santo para los sacerdotes, Templo de Yahvé"


    falsificación moderna

    "Los motivos no son necesáriamente económicos"... "No, muchas veces
    es por la fama" ... "De tal manera que se engreen cuando gente como
    nosotros muestran interés"

    Primero, dice, grava tus letras usando una herramienta de hierro, la
    cual no de ja trazos de niquel o cádmio modernos. Luego enevejece la
    inscripción usando un cepillo de dientes con polvo de cuarzo, antes de
    crear la pátina "antigua" triturando piedra en una masa acuosa. Quema
    pequeños trozos de oro en la superfície, junto a un poco de carbón de
    la Edad del Hierro, y luego cuece tu piedra a 300 grados. Finalmente,
    llevala a algunos "científicos inocentes" para confirmar su
    autenticidad antes de intentar intrododuciarlas furtívamente en el

    (The Daily Telegraph Magazine, May 14 2005)


    ha hecho pensar: podría darse por ejemplo un arquólogo-pirata o

    grupo-pirata que anunciase el descubrimiento arquológico del siglo,

    enseñarlo, y por detrás, haciéndose pasar por un listillo, podría haber

    uno vendiendo piezas del sensacional descubrimiento a los nuevos ricos

    snobs que necesitan demostrar su estatus con esa clase de

    exibiciones... ay mi pérfida imaginación...

    por cierto... eso de

    falsificar cociendo la inscripción y las pátinas falsas a 300 grados...

    qué pasó en aquella "cámara sellada en el tiempo" ????

    es para descojonarse o no ?

  11. #11 Lykonius 10 de jul. 2007

    inscripción de joash, made in xx century

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