Texto retirado por el administrador Silberius
Motivo: Borrado a petición del autor
Llevo tiempo pensando en la manera de rentabilizar los contactos personales que tengo y de paso producir las llamadas sinergias y efectos multiplicadores. Dada la difusión de Celtiberia.net y lo "especiales" que somos esta gran familia, abro este artículo donde podremos insertar Ofertas de Empleo, Llamadas de Ayuda y Ofrecimientos varios.
No hay imágenes relacionadas.
Pulsa este icono si opinas que la información está fuera de lugar, no tiene rigor o es de nulo interés.
Tu único clic no la borarrá, pero contribuirá a que la sabiduría del grupo pueda funcionar correctamente.
Si te registras como usuario, podrás añadir comentarios a este artículo.
Ahí va una oferta de empleo de unos "conocidos" , por si algún druida sabe ruso y francés (que aqui semos gentuza mu culta) y le apetece currar por y para las montañas.
L'association Le Courrier des Balkans-Courriers d'Europe et
d'Orient est à la recherche d'un(e) stagiaire traducteur
russophone dans le cadre de ses nouveaux projets (Courriers de
l'Asie centrale, de la Biélorussie et du Caucase).
Vous souhaitez valoriser votre savoir par un stage
professionnalisant? Le milieu de la presse vous intéresse? Venez
nous rejoindre!
Description des tâches:
- Traductions d'articles de presse (du russe au français)
- Secrétariat de rédaction et mise en ligne de contenu sur le
site Internet
Profil recherché:
- Parfaite maîtrise de la langue russe
- Bonne connaissance de l'espace ex-soviétique
- Facilité d'utilisation d'Internet
- La connaissance du journalisme et/ou du milieu associatif est
un avantage
Début du stage: immédiat
Lieu de travail: Les locaux de l'association sont à Arcueil
(94), en région parisienne, mais une partie du stage pourra être
effectuée en télétravail.
Stage non-rémunéré, mais possibilité de convention.
Durée: trois mois minimum, renouvelable.
--> Envoyez votre CV ainsi qu'une courte lettre de présentation
uniquement par mail à mailto:info@courriers.info
Enhorabuena, Kaerkes, me parece una idea solidaria y estupenda.
Sólo que a ver si la próxima oportunidad es más asequible para celtíberos, que aquí hay gente muy culta y voluntariosa, pero eso de: "Parfaite maîtrise de la langue russe...Bonne connaissance de l'espace ex-soviétique" para traducir al francés y, sobre todo, lo de "Stage non-rémunéré" (aunque haya posibilidad de que te renueven los tres primeros meses...) es como para desanimar al más animado ;-) Pero, como digo, la idea es buena, adelante.
jajajajja, gracias Alicia, pero !nos ha jodio!, las buenas ofertas me las quedo yo....que uno es solidario pero no tonto.
Mierda!! yo empecé a estudiar ruso y lo dejé porque me fui a Francia. Esta claro que mi vida quiso que eligiera entre un de los dos idiomas...
Kaerkes preguntale a tus amigos si se puede traducir con diccionario ruso, que de eso si tengo
Cierzo, piensa que cuando yo era pequenito, una rusa empiezò aprendendome a su idioma...dos dia despues..se muriò. Verdad!!!
A Canto, inserto el tema de las jornadas en este artículo para que no se pierda en el "olvido" de las intervenciones de druidas.
La próxima reunion del Seminario de Historia Cultural se celebrará el martes, 7 de marzo, a las 12’15.
Lu Ann Homza, del College of William and Mary (EEUU), hablará sobre "Pastores y penitentes: cazadores de brujos en Zugarramurdi, 1610-1613".
Lugar: Sala de Juntas, Módulo VI, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
Coordinadores: Jim Amelang y María José del Río.
Dirección de nuestra página en el Web: www.uam.es/hmoderna/cultura.htm
· Secretaría de las jornadas e
Beatriz López, Aurora Cortina, Xosé Nel
Riesgo y José Molina
Grupo de Desarrollo Rural de Camín
Real de la Mesa
c/ Arroyo Naranjo, 1 bajo. 33820
Grado. Asturias.
Tfn.: 985 75 47 83. Fax.: 985 75 47 84
e-mail: caminrealdelamesa@cyberastur.es
· Nº de plazas:
70 (inscripción gratuita)
Pues ale! si cubris el perfil y os gustan las patatas.....
The International Potato Center (known worldwide by
its Spanish acronym, CIP) seeks to reduce poverty and
achieve food security on a sustained basis in
developing countries through scientific research and
related activities on potato, sweet potato, other root
and tuber crops, and on the improved management of
natural resources in the Andes and other mountain
CIP is part of the global agricultural research
network known as the Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). CIP
contributes to the CGIAR in a limited research area
defined by commodities (potato, sweet potato, and
Andean root and tuber crops) and ecoregions, in CIP’s
case the Andes. CIP, in close association with
national research systems, selects priority activities
within these major work areas. These priorities are
continually refined against changes in the way crops
are grown, as well as changes in science and in
national programs.
Increasingly, CIP employs its expertise in convening
global research initiatives that involve a range of
institutions that can contribute to the Center’s
objectives. As opportunities arise, research is
conducted in partner and client institutions around
the world.
CIP's research program is broad-based, comprising
projects and regional/global partnerships designed and
implemented to address the most pressing needs of
developing country farmers (see CIP's research
program). The mandate encompasses four main areas:
potato, sweet potato, Andean roots and tubers (ARTCs),
and natural resource management (NRM). Research
studies range from the testing and application of
highly complex molecular technologies to the
identification of plant defense genes for late blight
resistance, to the development and evaluation of more
efficient pigfeed from sweet potatoes. The former area
links CIP with advanced research labs; the latter
links CIP with farmers in the field. During the last
few years, CIP has made significant efforts to
accelerate the flow of research results from those
advanced lab studies to applications in the field
through closer linkages with farmers in early phases
of testing and evaluation.
CIP has 35 years of experience producing research
outputs and has assembled the world’s most complete
genetic resources collections of potato and sweet
potato, and important collections of other Andean root
and tuber crops. The Division develops and implements
projects to enhance CIP’s role in biodiversity
conservation and research in our crop genetic
resources, and generates knowledge and information for
dissemination worldwide. The division maintains
research links between ex-situ and in-situ
conservation that includes a focus on ecological and
cultural diversity.
CIP is seeking two scientists to join its current
international staff:
1) Leader of the Genetic Resources Conservation and
Characterization Division (Ref: GR/06-06)
CIP seeks a scientist as Leader to head this Research
Division. The Leader will have primary responsibility
for providing scientific direction for CIP in the
Division. The Leader will work closely with the
Center’s global partners in planning and coordinating
the Division’s research. S/he will be a member of
CIP’s research and management team, contributing to
the strategies and direction of CIP’s overall research
program, and representing the Center in a variety of
research, investor and partner forums. The position
reports to the Deputy Director General-Research and
will be based at CIPs headquarters in Lima, Peru with
frequent international travel.
The successful candidate will:
· be an innovative researcher with strong
research capabilities; additional management
experience is desirable.
· have a PhD in a relevant plant science
discipline, with background in modern genetics.
· have demonstrated success in managing
multi-disciplinary teams and partnerships and
attracting research funding.
We are looking for an individual confident in his or
her disciplinary setting, who can build innovative,
multidisciplinary teams. The Leader should be able to
articulate a vision for CIP’s activities relating
genetic resources conservation and characterization;
liaise with CIP’s other science leaders at
headquarters and in other regions; possess excellent
management and collaboration skills; be committed to
working in a multi-partner, multi-disciplinary and
multi-cultural environment; and be able to communicate
effectively, both orally and in writing. Fluency in
English is required and other languages are an asset.
More information:
2) Scientist for Regional Project Papa Andina in the
Andes (Ref: PA/06-06)
CIP seeks an accomplished scientist to join the
Coordination Unit of the Project. The scientist should
have experience in managing participatory processes
with a broad range of partners and/or linking farmers
with markets. The position reports to the Peru-based
Project Coordinator and will be based in Bolivia or
Ecuador with frequent travel in the region. Experience
with the agricultural sector in the Andean region
would be an advantage.
The successful candidate will:
· be an accomplished and innovative researcher
with at least five years of strong research experience
in a developing country context;
· post-graduate qualification in Economics,
Agricultural Economics, Anthropology or other Social
Science discipline
· have experience in participatory approaches for
agriculture research
· be committed to working in a multi-partner,
multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment
· be able to communicate effectively, both orally
and in writing in English and Spanish.
· have project management experience
More information:
Applications: Applicants should apply by email,
sending a cover letter summarizing their relevance to
this position, a full C.V. and the names and contact
information of three referees knowledgeable about the
candidate’s professional qualifications and work
experience to Lilia Salinas at:
The reference name of the position should be clearly
marked on the subject line of the email message.
Screening of applications will begin on August 1, 2006
and will continue until the post is filled. All
applications will be acknowledged; only short listed
candidates will be contacted.
Miguel Saravia
Lider de InfoAndina
Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la
Ecorregión Andina
Av. La Molina 1895, La Molina
Apartado 1558, Lima 12, Peru
Telf. (51-1)3175313 Anx 2056 / Fax (51-1)3175326
Correo: m.saravia@cgiar.org -
Información eliminada por el Administrador kaerkes
Relaciones laborales no capitalistas:
"necesitamos personas para que nos hagan un trabajo a cambio de alojamiento y alimentación"
Trabajo no remunerado, sin alta en la Seguridad Social y desde luego el alojamiento y la alimentación nunca llegarán a suplir el trabajo realizado.
Casa Rural en Tarragona, dos chicas inglesas alojadas con derecho a comida a cambio de Trabajar en la cocina, la casa y la huerta....... y los dueños de la casa (muy jipis ellos y muy en la nueva onda) cobrando a los clientes a "cojón de mico" un alojamiento en literas (te limpiaban el Chozo Hipie una vez en semana), comida vegetariana (escasita) todo ello muy aderezado y muy edulcorado en esa línea.
Me parece muy bien, y es una alternativa, pero hay que ver todos los puntos.
¿y? ¿qué tiene que ver lo que cobraban a los turistas con el intercambio de trabajo por estancia?.
Ya has juzgado y sentenciado por tu cuenta los anuncios de intercambio.
No es una sentencia, es una opinión personal.
Es una alternativa al trabajo remunerado, y puede ser una experiencia muy interesante, si quieres conocer gente y aprender un idioma (por ejemplo).
Pero me parece una explotación.
Es intercambio consciente y de acuerdo por ambas partes. Si no te agradan este tipo de experiencias eres libre de preferir la realización de trabajos con otro tipo de relaciones laborales.
"desde luego el alojamiento y la alimentación nunca llegarán a suplir el trabajo realizado".
¿has estado en todas las experiencias de intercambio?¿o con una ya te sirve para extrapolarlo a todo?y SENTENCIAR.
Kaerkes¡ es una OPINION PERSONAL, no una SENTENCIA
no me juzges por una opinión, que todos tenemos derecho a opinar.
"si el intercambio es consciente y de acuerdo, pues me parece perfecto"
Todas las experiencia de intercambio no son iguales, pero las (en plural) que conozco, me parecieron una explotación.
Me parece mal, que hayas insertado esa OPINION y ese ejemplo, después de poner los anuncios, cuando están las direcciones y los teléfonos de los sitios en cuestión. Lo que me obliga a suprimir esa intervención ya que no creo que les agrade ver sus anuncios y luego lo que tu expones.
Me abstendré en un futuro de insertar este tipo de cuestiones, ya que en muchos casos, son propuestas de organizaciones o personas conocidas y no creo que les cause mucho beneficio verse expuestos de esta manera y criticados en "abstracto" por experiencias diversas.
Un poco de "seny" por favor.
pues si te parece mal que opine sobre el tema.... BORRA MI INTERVENCION.
Lo que a mí me parece mal que ahora vayas y borres tu intervención, por una crítica, que no es a tí por haber insertado el anuncio, cosa que me parece muy loable por tu parte.
Pero aquí TODOS estamos expuestos a la crítica, incluso estas organizaciones o personas.
y por supuesto la crítica no era en "abstracto" era bien real y defendible, que a otros les guste ese tipo de situaciones es otra cosa, además para gustos los colores.
Seriedad la justa, pero con coherencia.
oK. creo que no era el lugar indicado para ese tipo de criticas a propuestas concretas que no se conocen. Te repito que estaban anotados nombres y teléfonos.Este foro lo abrí con la intención de "poner en antena", aventos, acontecimientos y ofertas de actividades, incluso laborales.
Vuelvo a repetir, en muchos casos, son de origen conocido y no me apetece nada, que después de una propuesta se hagan ese tipo de comentarios.
Ha sido un error mío. Y soy coherente, por lo menos para no causar un perjuicio y malestar a gente que conozco y puedo apreciar.
Lluego viene la celti , sus críticas, a veces fuera de lugar o sin ser consciente de que las opiniones vertidas puedan causar un daño gratuito y las coherencias varias.
Si hemos pasado de "que todo sea cuestionable" a "todo ha de ser criticable", atendiendo a un curioso principio consistente en "todo el mundo es sospechoso de...hasta que se demuestre lo contrario me gustaría saberlo, para evitar relacionar a nadie en concreto por la aplicación del principio anterior.
Pero, vuelvo a re-repetir...Ha sido un error mío.
perdón: el principio sería: "todo ha de ser criticado, no criticable"
Lo siento Kaerkes¡
no debería haber criticado tan apasionadamente este anuncio, me he movido por un sentimiento visceral de animasversión contra todo lo que huele a New Age.
de verdad que lo siento enormemente, debería de haberlo dicho en otro sitio.
Tienes toda la razón del mundo.
En paz?
De acuerdo,.Creo que otro lugar hubiera estado cojonudo, pero no justo debajo de la oferta.
No problem: ;))))
para quien le pueda interesar:...
The U.S. Center for development(USCD) for the U.N
supports the work of the United Nations to improve the
quality of life for millions of people around the
world by promoting democratic governance, poverty
reduction, rural development, crisis prevention and
recovery, energy and environmental issues, and
reducing the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
It accomplishes these aims by building a broad-based
American constituency that educates for international
development and by identifying U.S. resources for
specific UN projects that support U.S. national
interests USCD, founded in 2006, is one of Agencies of
Excellence established by UN to conduct
interdisciplinary research on coping with the
increasing complexities of urban development and
center's program for bringing well qualified
applicants into the Center's Foreign Service. USCD's
Foreign Service provides successful applicants with a
career-long system of rotational assignments in
Washington D.C. and overseas. Promotion is based upon
merit with selections being made for promotion at
various established points in an employee's career.
Unlike the competitive U.S. Civil Service and most
private industry, pay is set based upon a person's
grade level regardless of duty assignments. Like the
U.S. Department of State and other agencies employing
Foreign Service personnel, successful applicants are
offered a clear path for planning their career from
the intake level through the most senior executive
Selection for the NEP program is based upon a highly
competitive screening process. Consequently,
applicants meeting the basic requirements may not go
through the entire screening/interview/selection
process. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of
academic credentials, related overseas and/or domestic
development professional experience, and other
relevant factors. Applications are screened for basic
eligibility, such as: education, and experience which
demonstrates the applicant's ability to accomplish
professional development work. Following the
screening, the successful applicants for each
occupational category are invited to come to
Washington at their own expense for training although
all Expenses made are reimbursed along with salary:
A. Location city: Manchester
Location country: United Kingdom
Closing date: Open
Tenure: Full Time
Job Position: Environmental Officer
Salary: circa $109,000 + benefits package
Vacancy Announcement Number: 05-EO-PMSS-407520
They are responsible for development oversight,
management, and evaluation of programs in the
following areas:bio-diversity, Conservation, forestry,
wildlife management, water and coastal Resources
management, environmental education, environmental
policy, environmentally sustainable agriculture,
community based natural resources management, urban
and industrial pollution reduction, urban planning and
management (including such areas as housing, water and
sanitation), urban and housing finance, energy
efficiency and conservation, renewable energy
applications, clean energy technologies, energy sector
planning and global climate change. Environment
Officers apply both a technical knowledge of their
program area and a variety of management and program
evaluation knowledge in order to ensure that projects
meet the needs of UNASG's partners and customers in a
cost-effective manner.
B. Location city: Bordeaux
Location country: France
Closing date: Open
Tenure: Full Time
Job Position: Financial Management Officer
Salary: circa $134,678 + benefits package
Vacancy Announcement Number: 06-FMO-PMSS-407520
They direct the accounting and payment operations
worldwide. In addition, they provide significant,
levels of advisory services to all levels of the
mission and host country governments. This includes
administrative, operational and program matters
concerning financial, budgetary and resource
management and implementation issues.
C. Location city: Amsterdam
Location country: The Netherlands
Closing date: Open
Tenure: Full Time
Job Position: Program/Project Development Officer
Salary: circa $115,000 + benefits package
Vacancy Announcement Number: 07PDO-PMSS-407520
They are responsible for strategy development, policy
formulation, performance reporting, project
management, and public outreach. They are looked upon
to ensure that the Mission's operational procedures
are designed to elicit teamwork, emphasize shared
values, are known programming priorities, and reward
innovation. Program/Project development officers must
be able to apply leadership and management skills in
order to ensure that program activities are designed
and implemented to achieve stated objectives, within
resource constraints and in a timely manner.
D. Location city: Nassau and Toronto,
Location country: Bahamas and Canada
Closing date: Open
Tenure: Full Time
Job Position: Population/Health/Nutrition Officer
Salary: circa $156,000 + benefits package
Vacancy Announcement Number: 08-PHNO-PMSS-407520
Responsible for development, oversight, management
(staff, financial, and technical resources), and
evaluation of PHN programs that may include any or all
of the following areas: primary health care (including
immunizations, acute respiratory infections, diarrheal
diseases), maternal/child health (including safe
motherhood), population/family planning (reproductive
health). HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases,
infectious diseases (including malaria, TB,
antimicrobial resistance, surveillance),
nutrition/micronutrients, water and sanitation,
environmental health, social marketing, demography,
population, health or nutrition policy, operations
research in population, health or nutrition,
biomedical/clinical research (including vaccines,
antimicrobial resistance, malaria, TB, neonatal,
contraceptive technology), epidemiology, logistics
management, national pharmaceutical management and
health economics. Population/Health/Nutrition Officers
apply both a technical knowledge of their program area
and a variety of management and program evaluation
expertise in order to ensure that projects meet the
needs of UNASG's partners and customers in a
cost-effective manner.
E. Location city: Abu Dhabi and Durban,
Location country: U.A.E and South Africa
Closing date: Open
Tenure: Full Time
Job Position: Executive Officer
Salary: circa $121,000 + benefits package
Vacancy Announcement Number: 09-EO-PMSS-407520
Oversee a wide range of administrative and logistical
support functions including personnel management,
contracting, procurement, property management, motor
pool management, travel management, employee/family
housing and maintenance management. In addition to
having direct responsibility for providing the daily
support of the agency's field mission, duties include
planning for future personnel and procurement
requirements at the assigned duty station.
F. Location city: Tokyo and Honiara,
Location country: Japan and Solomon Island
Closing date: Open
Tenure: Full Time
Job Position: Education Development Officer
Salary: circa $169,000 + benefits package
Vacancy Announcement Number: 010-EDO-PMSS-407520
Analyze, advise, and assist with the development of
host country education human resources and manpower
planning systems. Strategies are designed to improve
existing education programs as well as to promote
organizational competencies and skills acquisition
related to both individual and institutional
development. Duties include participation in Agency
policy formulation, sector analysis, program and
project design, program monitoring, and evaluation of
activities in education and human resources.
Applicants are selected on the basis of academic
credentials, experience and other relevant factors.
Successful Applicants are invited to come to
Washington, for an interview/ Training. Candidates
are interviewed on their related knowledge, skills
abilities. Application is open to all interested
applicants from any nationality.
New Entrants employed with USCD may retire voluntarily
after 20 Yearsof service. Retirement is mandatory at
age 65. The maximum period of Creditable service is
35 years.
Please send your cover letter and resume/CV to:
OR Fax:1206-338-2210
Dr.Patrick Bruce
Head, Recruitment and Placement Unit
Human Resources Management Service
Two UN Plaza, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Recupero esta oferta laboral ya que ha durado menos de un minuto en la portada.
No estan nada mal los puestitos, pero que nada mal...
Pues ale a enviar CV.!
Lo malo es que esos sueldos indican que la experiencia solicitada es de 10-15 anyos en un puesto de similares caracteristicas (excepto, tal vez, el primero, que apunta mas a 5 anyos de experiencia)... Yo, como todavia soy joven, no puedo de momento acceder al de Amsterdam, que es el que me interesaba.
Otro puestecito elegante en Africa:
Management Specialist (The World Bank)
This position, based in Niamey, Niger, is part of a
team working in the 23 countries in the Africa region
and in some of the 31 international river basins
across Western and Central Africa on technical
assistance in such fields as water supply, urban
planning, economics, sanitary engineering and water
resources management. Among other responsibilities,
the incumbent would handle analytical and advisory
work related to water resources management, including
support to client countries in developing national
water resources policies and strategies.
The successful candidate will have strong operational
experience in integrated water resources management in
developing countries, ideally in river basins, and
working experience in Sub Sahara Africa.
Minimum requirements include an advanced degree in a
field relevant to water resources management and a
minimum eight years of relevant experience.
The deadline for applications is August 15. More at:
Un puesto de trabajo en Nepal.
Recomendado especialmente para alguno.
Vacancy Announcement
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain
Development was established in 1983 in Kathmandu,
Nepal, serving eight regional member countries of the
Hindu Kush-Himalayas and the global mountain
community. As a mountain learning and knowledge
Centre, ICIMOD seeks to develop and provide innovative
solutions, in cooperation with over 300 regional and
international partners, which foster action and change
for overcoming mountain people’s economic, social and
physical vulnerability. This mission is carried out
through acting as a multidisciplinary documentation
Centre, a focal point for training and applied
research activities and a consultative Centre in
scientific and technical matters for the countries of
the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region at their request.
In 2003 ICIMOD embarked on a new five-year strategic
plan to address: Natural Resources Management;
Agriculture and Rural Income Diversification; Water
Resources and Hazard Management; Culture, Equity and
Governance; Knowledge Management; and Policy and
Partnership Development.
ICIMOD is seeking to recruit a qualified person for
the following vacant professional level position for
which applications are now invited.
1. Natural Resources Management Specialist - (IP)
Preferably a PhD or Post Graduate or equivalent
academic background in agriculture, forestry, natural
resources, environmental economics, or related fields,
with minimum 8 years of work experience in related
fields of which a substantial part has been gained in
the HKH region.
Further information on the vacancy, including Terms
of Reference for the position, can be found at
or can be requested from the address below.
Applications with complete curriculum vitae together
with the names and addresses of three referees should
be sent to the following address by 13 October 2006.
- Applications from qualified women and disadvantaged
section of the society are strongly encouraged.
- Only short- listed candidates will be notified.
Personnel Officer,
GPO Box 3226,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: (00977-1) 5525313;
Fax: (00977-1) 5524509 / 5536747
e-mail: personnel@icimod.org
Hay 27 comentarios.