Autor: F.
domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2006
Sección: Historia
Información publicada por: F.

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Los bagaudas 2. Vascones y bagaudas.


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  1. #1 giorgiodieffe 12 de sep. 2006

    Ese enlace me parece el mejor y dice que las fuentes mas antiguas decieron que fue un obispo, pero que tenia que ser un simple cura "maestro de los obispos".
    Puede ser que la frase haya sido mal interpretada por muchos autores.

    Salvian's other names we do not know, due chiefly to the fact that fifth century etiquette forbade the use of more than one name in friendly correspondence,5 but the title "master of bishops" which Gennadius bestowed on him has more than atoned for the loss. The modest office of presbyter at Marseilles would seem sufficient to refute the early editors' claim of a bishop's mitre for him, even, without the negative evidence of the omission of his name from the episcopal lists.6 But the title "master of bishops," magister episcoporum, is his by manifold right, and is inseparably connected with his personality in the minds of all who have studied his work. He lived and worked for some time at the very nursery of bishops, Lérins, where he was chosen to teach the two sons of Eucherius, both of whom were to become bishops later. At Marseilles he continued his teaching, composing many homilies for bishops, as Gennadius said. Although in his books To the Church against Avarice he spoke of himself as "least of the Servants of God," he spoke with |7 the voice of authority, and his words were chiefly addressed to the great lords of the church.

    Bueno, entonce tienes razon y las fuentes italianas no estan adecuadas.

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